Monday, October 31, 2005
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Top Fun

Thursday, October 27, 2005
Shawn Update:
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Shawn Update
Shawn came in last night after work in good spirits! Erin was grouchy...just kidding. Shawn seems to be pretty tired here lately, but as far as I know there have been no side-effects thus far. I believe his last day of work is the 31st and then he goes on short-term disability. More pictures should be forthcoming...
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Friday, October 21, 2005
Shawn Update
Shawn is on day two of his treatments. Via his chemo fanny pack he receives a dose of chemo at two milliliters per hour. He also had his second dose of radiation this morning at 11:15. So far, so good!!! Keep it up Shawn!! He is currently at work.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Monday, October 17, 2005
Shawn Update:
I am sorry it has taken me this long to post. It's been kind of crazy around here. Shawn's outpatient surgery to implant the chemo port was successful. Shawn was tired and sore all day Saturday and Sunday, but he is in fairly good spirits today. He will more than likely begin his radiation treatments on Wednesday. Thank you for your continued support and prayers. We did receive word tonight that Shawn and Erin's house has been completely framed out and the roof will be put on tomorrow. I will be posting some pictures tomorrow.
Friday, October 14, 2005
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Shawn Update:
Shawn and Erin met with the chemotherapist today. Shawn will have outpatient surgery on Saturday to have a port put in his chest. The medicine will go right into his bloodstream. He will have a medicine-filled pouch he'll carry with him (similar to a fanny pack). Tomorrow Erin and Shawn will attend a Chemo 101 class. A home care nurse will come by the house on Monday to hook up the chemo medicine to the port. After two hours with the nurse, Shawn will leave for his first radiation treatment. He will have to go to the chemo office every Monday for blood work, and see Dr. Huber every other Monday. Radiation will be administered Monday. The doctor did mention that with the FAP syndrome that Shawn has, he does need to have an upper GI scope every 3 months to watch the polyps in his stomach. Apparently the cells have shown signs of dividing but have not mutated (become cancerous) yet. He is on Celebrex right now to shrink the polyps.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Shawn Sees the Radiation Therapist
Shawn and Erin met with the radiation therapist today. They really liked her! He will probably start radiation Monday. It will depend on how things progress with some fertility issues, that must be delt with first. He will have it every day for five weeks. The last 2-3 weeks are supposed to be the worst. Today they made marks on his pelvis area. On Thursday, they will make those marks permanent. Basically, according to Erin, Shawn will lay on a table and the machine will go around him, similar to what happens with a CAT scan. The machine blasts radiation into the body where the marks have been made. The process takes about 15 minutes. Shawn has an appointment with the chemotherapist Thursday at 10:40.
Monday, October 10, 2005
Sunday, October 09, 2005
Shawn Update Correction
Both of Shawn's appointments next week will be consultations. His chemo will not begin on the date originally indicated. More information soon. Thanks, Darryl
Friday, October 07, 2005
Shawn Update:
Shawn will have some lab work done on Tuesday at 1:00 PM, followed by a consultation with the radiation doctor at 2:00. Radiation will start late next week or early the following. His first chemo treatment is Thursday at 10:40 AM.
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
University of Louisville Hospital

I'm sorry it has taken me so long to post. The blog has been down for a few hours. Today was a long day for Shawn and Erin. They arrived at the hospital at 2:30 PM and didn't leave until after 6:30 PM. Shawn was one of the last patients to see the doctor. She told Erin and Shawn that the cancer had indeed spread into the tissue of the rectum wall. When this occurs, there is a greater chance of the cancer coming back and/or spreading. According to the doctor, Shawn will begin both radiation and chemotherapy treatments next week. The treatments will continue Monday through Friday at Baptist East Hospital for 4-6 weeks. He will then need to wait 4-6 weeks for the medicine to exit his system before undergoing the first of two surgeries. The first surgery will include the removal of his colon and rectum. For several weeks he will have an external colostomy pouch. During the second surgery the small intestine will be manipulated to act as his colon, thus eliminating the need for the external pouch. It's going to be a long few months for Shawn and Erin. This blog will continue to track Shawn's daily progress. Please consider stopping by from time to time to drop Shawn and Erin a note. Thank you again for the way you have loved and prayed for them. They are the most courageous, caring, and loving young couple I have ever known.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Shawn and Erin are Settled In