Shawn is coming home today!!!!!!!!!!
Most of you know that our son-in-law, Shawn, was recently diagnosed with Colorectal Cancer. Shawn has undergone 5 weeks of daily chemotherapy and radiation treatments and is scheduled for two surgeries, the first of which will entail the removal of his colon and rectum. This blog has been established as a go-to site for those who want to stay up to date on his progress. Please feel free to leave prayers and/or comments. (Click on any picture to make it bigger) Thanks, Darryl
Praise God!!
If I may be so bold as to ask, my daughter has just been diagnosed with colon cancer and would appreciate your prayers for her recovery. She's really having a bad time with chemo presently. Thank you and God bless all of you.
Hey Guys,
I am glad to hear that Shawn is home and that you have returned from your mini-vacation. Shawn remember to take it easy and allow your body to heal itself. We are always thinking of you both and remembering you in prayer daily. We hope to see you soon!
Love ya,
Beth, Troop, and Jocelyn
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