Shawn and Erin are Settled In

Most of you know that our son-in-law, Shawn, was recently diagnosed with Colorectal Cancer. Shawn has undergone 5 weeks of daily chemotherapy and radiation treatments and is scheduled for two surgeries, the first of which will entail the removal of his colon and rectum. This blog has been established as a go-to site for those who want to stay up to date on his progress. Please feel free to leave prayers and/or comments. (Click on any picture to make it bigger) Thanks, Darryl
Hi Shawn & Erin:
Just wanted you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I just wish I were closer so that I could be there for you in person.
I love you!
Well just wanted you all know the Glass klan is thinking and praying for you. I hope the test go good tommorow, but I know they will because Shawn you are now part of the Glass crew and we are very strong people. Darryl I am impressed on that site you set up, i did not know you were so computer literate, since you could not tie your shoes untill you went to high school. Special note to Shawn cant believe you have to live with our brother, cant imagine ( just kiddin) he seems like a wonderful father in law. Well we check in tommorow to see whats up. P.S. house is going to be beautiful, cant wait to have family xmas there. Well call us if you guys need anything at all. we love you all Pam, Carl, Cody, Christopher, Bo, Shannon, Jeremy, Jake, Chad and newest member Jamie
Hey guys. Just wanted to say hello and this blog is a really cool way to stay in touch and know the progress of everything. Hang in there Shawn, we are all thinking of you. Good luck living with Darryl. Hopefully he will go easy on you. We love you all and we are a phone call away if you need anything. We love you. Mandy, Jason and Gavin. The rest of the Glass family sends there love and support. Uncle Jerry, Aunt Judy, Matt and his family and Jessica and her family.
I just wanted to tell you, Shawn, that you are a wonderful son, and I know you will get through all of this with God's help. Thank you Erin for being so strong. I love you both so very, very much. Everyone I know is praying for you and a few I don't know. God bless, protect and watch over the both of you.
Love always,
Erin and Shawn just wanted to let you guys know that Jami and I have you in our prayers. If you need anything just let us kmow.
Chad and Jami
Shawn & Erin,
We are praying for you.
Love, Norbert and Diane
P. S. You are on the prayer list at our church.
Mom and Dad are praying for you. They put you on their prayer list also.
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