Shawn Update

Hey Everyone, my Dad said it right that Shawn is cancer FREE! We are so excited and very thankful that we are almost done on this journey. About two weeks ago we went to visit our family in Wisconsin for our vacation, because we were in desperate need of one. Shawn was doing pretty well until the second day with which we had to go to the emergency room up there because he was having severe back and stomach pains. We waited for 4 hours until he got to see a doctor and found out that he had an infection from the last surgery. They called it "pouchitis". He was in the hospital for three days. He is still on his antibiotic today to try and clear up the infection. He will see is surgeon for a follow up next week to make sure everything is okay.
He is starting to feel more normal and is back to work. He is taking an easy though at work and is taking advantage of not lifting anything over 10 pounds for a couple more weeks to recover from the surgery.
We haven't heard too much about when they will do anything about his stomach but we know it won't be anytime soon. He will have another upper GI in the next couple of months to see if the polyops have gotten worse and then go from there.
On the other hand, in the next couple of months, we will be going to a group of doctors at Uof L to start the process of insemmenation to have a baby. However, we are taking this step slow because we want Shawn to be healthy and ready to have a baby around. We aren't going to rush this process.
Thank you to everyone that has prayed so hard for us to get through this journey that we have been on. We both believe that God will not give us anything that we cannot handle. With the support of our family and friends we have gotten through this with you guys. You all have been right there with us through every step and we thank you for not leaving us. Thank you for the messages and the prayers and the love that you have shown us on the blog. (Thank you Dad and Brandon for the idea of the blog and we are so thankful to have a Dad care so much about us to keep this thing updated. Thank you mom for reminding Dad to update that blog, you are wonderful.)
We will try to get some pictures up soon of us and the things we have been doing in the past couple of weeks. Thank you everyone again for loving us and praying for us. We are truly blessed! Love, Shawn and Erin