Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Shawn met with the doctor today, and he will be staying until the end of the week. More information to follow...
Shawn Still In Hospital
Shawn's fever broke for a brief period yesterday, but by evening was up again. This morning it is hovering at 100 degrees. Unfortunately, until he gets the fever under control, he'll have to stay in the hospital. Please pray for both Erin and Shawn. Shawn is very tired of being there, and Erin has got to be exhausted. She has stayed there night and day, only to come home for a brief shower. She's sleeping in one of those reclining chairs and it can't be good for her back and neck (those of you who know Erin, know she has had two major spinal surgeries and has to deal with neck and back pain quite a bit). She has also been dealing with the stress of missing work and finals week. She has had to postpone the exams, but of course, it's hanging over her head. The strength of these two is truly humbling to me.
Monday, November 28, 2005
Shawn Update:
We were at the hospital tonight with Shawn and Erin. He looks better, but he can't seem to beat the fever. The nurse said that it would be two or three days before they figure out what the infection was all about. His temperature did go down this morning, but spiked again tonight. He will be there for at least another day.
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Shawn Admitted to Hospital
Shawn was taken to the emergency room this morning with a fever. They decided to keep him for a day, possibly two. He is dehydrated, and more than likely has some kind of infection. They have done a lot of blood work and are running further tests. We'll keep everyone updated, as we learn more. He is at Baptist Hospital East in room 535. Thanks, Darryl
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Surgery is Scheduled!
Shawn's surgery has been scheduled for Wednesday, December 28th in the early AM.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Chemotherapy is Over!!
Shawn's chemo ended unexpectedly last night. The alarm went off, and when they went to check the bag, it was empty. The emergency nurse told them that they would send the home healthcare nurse out today to disconnect the port. So, the chemo treatments are over!! Now, we wonder if he was receiving too much chemo at one time. We'll know more later today.
Monday, November 21, 2005
Shawn Update:
Shawn and Erin met with both the chemo and radiation doctors today. Shawn has lost 8 pounds in the last seven days. His fingers are also extremely sensative to the touch. The doctor prescribed some new anti-nausea medication that costs $1758.99 (yes, you read that correctly), but it's only $50 with insurance. It looks like the surgery will be scheduled around the first week in January.They may do another Cat-scan prior to surgery. They are still planning on moving on December 17th. Keep praying!!
Friday, November 18, 2005
A Rough Day
Please keep Erin in your prayers. Shawn isn't feeling well today, and Erin has to work late. Naturally, she wants to be home with him. Erin and Tyler will take good care of him tonight Ernie...we love you! Dad
Update from Erin
Yesterday (Thursday) started week five of radiation and chemotherapy. Shawn will hopefully complete his radiation treatments on Wednesday of next week. The home healthcare nurse is coming on Thanksgiving Day to disconnect his chemo pack and that will be it for his chemo treatments!!! The side-effects are starting to show a little more now. He gets tired very easily these days. By the end of the day he is completely worn out and ready for bed. He is beginning to lose his desire to eat, mostly because it's hurting his stomach. We are trying to keep food in him. Some angels from Lexington brought them tons of food this past week. We will meet with the chemo and radiation doctors on Monday and Tuesday of next week. Your prayers are so appreciated!! Erin
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Good News!!!!
Erin and Shawn will be closing on their house on December 15th!!!!!!!! They are so excited!!! A special thank you to all of those who helped with getting the house completed by Christmas!! So what are YOU doing on Saturday, December 16th?!!! HELP!
Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Shawn and Erin Update
I'm sorry that it's been a few days since I've posted, but there hasn't been much to report, which is really good news! We know that there is still a long road ahead, but we're thankful that things are going so well, thus far. Shawn is still feeling some effects of his treatments, but he's doing really great. Please continue praying for Erin. She worked 42 hours last week, and is pulling a 15 hour load at school. In fact, she has 2 classes today. She and Shawn had decided that it was important that Erin go ahead and stay in school this semester since she is so close to graduation. She is holding up so well. She is a special young lady!!!!
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Shawn Update:
So far so good!! Shawn and Erin met with the chemo and radiation doctors Monday, and they were told everything was on schedule. Shawn is still really tired, but is taking his daily naps. Shawn has started his short-term disability from work. New house photos to be posted later this evening.